China surpassed the USA as the largest emitter of Greenhouse Gases (GHG) in 2006 when it produced 6.2 billion tons of CO2 overtaking the USA at 5.8 billion tons.It has only increased the gap with the USA in the intervening 4 years as the Chinese economy has grown roughly at a 10% average.Now International Energy […]

India has ambitious plans for the growth of its Nuclear Energy Industry to meets its increasing Energy Demand.India’s Economy has been growing at a scorching pace over the last few years making the Energy Demand increase exponentially.Electricity Demand in India far outstrips the Supply with peak supply demand shortage in the 20% range.India’s government realizes […]

India’s Nuclear Energy Growth plans has been facing obstacles from China which is using Pakistan as a proxy.Note Pakistan is the recepient of huge aid from both China and the US.Pakistan has been historically allied with USA though Afganistan has thrown a spanner in the relationship.Pakistan considers China as it most loyal friend as both […]

India’s Western state of Gujarat is one of the most developed regions in the country and has shown tremendous economic growth over the past decade.The state has been growing at a scorching pace under stable and supportive governments for the past several years.This state is home to Reliance Industries massive petrochemical complex and Tatas have […]

Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) are one of the popular subsidy measures used by government around the world to promote Green Energy.However the market pricing of these certificates leads to uncertainty which can deter private capital from investing in projects which depend on REC prices.Periods of oversupply are common in any market and RECs are no […]

Green Energy has increasingly become mainstream rather than a niche category supported by some environmental activists and hippies.This is proved by the fact that almost half of the Energy Capacity installed in 2009 in the developed world came from Renewable Energy Sources.According to a REN21 report, Europe and US saw more Renewable Energy installations in […]