Hitachi Entering Nuclear Power The massive global backlash against nuclear energy has seen a number of top nuclear equipment manufactures like GE, Siemens, Toshiba pulling back. While Siemens and Toshiba have already announced plans to retrench from nuclear energy, GE has also voiced concerns about nuclear power being unviable compared to natural gas and renewable […]

Nuclear Power which supplies more than 15% of the world’s electricity is doing a serious examination of its benefits compared to the massive risks. Nuclear Advantages vs Disadvantages are being weighed by countries after the Fukushima accident and many nations have decided to completely abandon nuclear energy. Amongst the most prominent are Germany and Japan […]

Future of Nuclear Plants in India The new nuclear power plants that are coming up in India are facing strong protests by local people worried about the potential radioactive fallout due to a nuclear accident. This has become a regular occurrence in which the heavy hand of the state intervenes leading to violence and killings […]

Nuclear Energy As the whole world is fixated on the debate about on using and not using nuclear power for energy generation, the anti-nuclear protestors have got a new powerful argument about nuclear energy being not economically feasible. General Electric which is among the world’s top 3 suppliers of nuclear energy equipment along with Toshiba […]

One of the crowning achievements (if you can call that) of the current Government in India was the pact with USA which removed India from the list of nuclear pariahs allowing it access to nuclear technology and materials. India already has a number of nuclear plants and reactors which generate around 3-4% of the country’s […]