China’s Communist Government is notorious for suppressing any note of dissent to its authoritarian rule.Its vice like grip over Internet is already well known by the outside world.The Chinese government does not tolerate any protests as can be seen by its brutal suppression of common people in Tiananmen Square,Tibet and Xinjiang.The one party rule ensures […]

China surpassed the USA as the largest emitter of Greenhouse Gases (GHG) in 2006 when it produced 6.2 billion tons of CO2 overtaking the USA at 5.8 billion tons.It has only increased the gap with the USA in the intervening 4 years as the Chinese economy has grown roughly at a 10% average.Now International Energy […]

India’s Nuclear Energy Growth plans has been facing obstacles from China which is using Pakistan as a proxy.Note Pakistan is the recepient of huge aid from both China and the US.Pakistan has been historically allied with USA though Afganistan has thrown a spanner in the relationship.Pakistan considers China as it most loyal friend as both […]

China has recently come under strong criticism for unfairly treatment foreign companies.While MNCs are looking towards China as a source of growth ,Chinese are only interested in Technology that these companies offer.Rules and regulations are such that foreign companies are forced to tie up and share technology with local partners.This inevitably leads to local partners going on their own and competing with the same companies they got their technology from.China’s Wind Energy Industry is a testament of this fact

Chinese Green Companies are being forced to look at overseas market for Profits as their Domestic Market is being ravaged by fierce price wars.Wind,Solar and even Smart Grid Companies in China compete mainly on price as technology is not the strong point for these companies.Lots of these small companies are promoted through provincial government bodies […]

India and China are seeing rapid economic and industrial growth in excess of 8% GDP growth.While rapid growth is necessary to pull up the estimated 2.5 billion people in these 2 countries to a middle class life,it has also resulted in environmental degradation.The industries in these 2 countries are poorly regulated unlike the West and […]