Coal is the Biggest Contributor to Global Warming generating billions of tons of carbon dioxide during combustion.Coal is one of the most abundant fossil fuels available on earth and it is expected that Coal will last another 200 years.The mass usage of Coal and its deleterious effect on the environment makes Coal a controversial choice of Energy.Coal is responsible for 25% of Human Energy Consumption and is the largest producer of Electricity in the world.
Coal causes Human Deaths in the Thousands each year directly through Mining Deaths and Indirectly through Human Diseases like Lung Cancer,Mercury and Arsenic Poisoning.The costs of Coal are artificially low because these costs are passed onto society and not explicity added onto the cost of coal powered electricity or coal products like Steel and Cement.Reducing Coal Usage gradually is a big necessity but given the growing hunger for energy by India and China and lack of a Climate Agreement that looks unlikely in the near future

Coal is one of the cheapest and most important sources of energy, responsible for 41% of electricity productionworldwide. In many important countries like India,China,Germany,USA,Coal is the primary source of electricity and energy.Other smaller countries also heavily rely on coal for example Poland 94% , South Africa 92%, China for 77% and Australia for 76%.Coal has played this a pivotal role in the development of mankind and his progress into the Industrial Age.Coal is an essential raw material and fuel for important global industries like Cement and Steel.Different qualities of Coal are used for different purposes.For example coking coal with higher carbon percentage is used in Steel Production while Thermal Coal is used in Production of Electricity.It was during the Industrial Revolution in the 18th and 19th centuries that demand for coal surged. Coal is responsible for almost a quarter of the global energy production,41% of the Electricity Production and more than 60% for Steel Making.Here is a list of the Major Uses of Coal

Coal is one of the most abundant fossil fuels available on earth and is a major supplier of energy.Coal is the largest producer of electricity in the world accounting for more than 40% of the global electricity production.This is expected to rise to 44% according to IEA.In the last decade global coal consumption has grown faster than any other fuel.Coal has many other important uses as well such as steel production, cement manufacturing 6 billon tonnes of hard coal and 909 million tonnes of brown coal were used with China accounting for almost 45% of the global coal consumption.Coal is also one of the largest sources of Carbon Dioxide Emissions as well responsible for double the GHG emissions from Oil.Coal is regarded as the dirtiest form of Energy due to high Carbon Emissions,Pollution,Hazardous Substances such as Mercury,Deaths due to Coal Mining etc.However the cheapness of coal,its established industrial base and abundance makes Coal indispensable in the Short Term just like Nuclear Energy.Here are the main Advantages of Coal

Islands mostly are depended on diesel generators for their electricity requirements which is considerably costlier than the normal coal,hydro,gas and nuclear forms of energy.Unless you are Saudi Arabia and can get oil at $4/barrel,the price of electricity from oil based energy sources is one of the costliest.Hawaii in USA pays around 30c/KwH for electricity because of the high cost of transporting and buying fossil fuels for its power plants.These islands have a huge incentive in moving towards renewable energy because it not only reduces costs,carbon emissions but also helps in energy security.Hawaii has installed a large number of wind farms,is building a big energy storage facility and promoting other alternative energy forms like solar as well.Hawaii Feed in Tariff has been implemented despite opposition by the utilities.

USA has been sorely lacking in the fight against Climate Change and Global Warming.Greenhouse Gas Emissions by the US has increased tremendously from 1990 the benchmark year when countries under Kyoto Protocol pledged to reduced their Carbon Emissions.However US has refused to do anything and has not even signed the Kyoto Protocol.The hopelessly rudderless leadership in the US has failed to pass any Clean Energy Laws like Cap and Trade ( not my favorite),Federal RPS etc.Some states have been showing proactive leadership like California despite massive opposition by the powerful oil and gas lobby (Valero,Koch Brothers).Their efforts are being stymied by the very rich who don’t care about global warming as they can easily use their money to mitigate any affect on them and the powerful fossil fuel lobby with their thinktank puppets.

Note none of the Indian automakers has a decent EV or a Hybrid selling in the Indian market.Foreign markets on the other had are seeing fierce competition amongst major auto makers to gain a first mover advantage.GM,Nissan,Toyota are the leader in this market with other car makers also in the process of getting in.Hectic alliances and JVs are being forged as this market segment promises to be the fastest growing as the governments give massive subsidies and push.It remains to be seen whether the government in India can push given its record.