Indian states come around to promoting Solar Rooftop Installations after being fixated on ground mount plants Indian states have finally come around to supporting rooftop solar home plants, instead of just megawatt solar ground farms. Though the support is quite small the beginning is quite auspicious. Note the Indian federal and state governments have this […]

The LED chip industry flourished in China as the government provided capital subsidy to small companies to buy MOCVD tools which help in making these chips. With oversupply, prices have crashed to below costs leading to bankruptcies. China is now seeing the 3rd Green Industry Bubble Bursting with LED chip manufacturers in China going bankrupt […]

The Indian Solar Electricity generating industry has mainly been funded by the auction mechanism at the federal and state level. The solar generators get their electricity dues from the distributors based on a PPA signed between them for a fixed rate for a fixed tenure. Another way  for small scale projects to get funding was […]