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How to Reduce Energy Consumption at Home and Lower Your Power Bill

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Electricity was once considered a luxury, but today it is a necessity. We cannot live without it. Experts have predicted that in the future, depleting reserves of natural resources could greatly affect society as we know it. However, thankfully, we have developed renewable energy solutions that can curtail global concerns.

Authorities are also pushing for consumers to use renewable energy due to its numerous benefits both monetarily and, environmentally. This way you can also enjoy green energy benefits such as clean energy storage, lower monthly bills, and less waste suggests officials from energy giant American Power and Gas.

Since renewable energy is relatively new to the broad consumer market, let’s take a look at how we can limit energy consumption at home, or at work.

How To Limit Energy Consumption (Heating)

Heating systems can make up about 45% of your electricity bill. They are very costly, and hence they need special care.

Here are some tips:

  • Keep the heating temperature between 19 – 21 degrees.
  • Make sure your heating system has a timer switch and thermostat temperature regulating options so that you can reduce the temperature when the room begins to feel warm.
  • You can reduce 10% of energy consumption by servicing your boiler daily.
  • The pipes that go into the rooms should be properly insulated with no heat escaping them.

How To Limit Energy Consumption (Cooling)

Keep your AC units well maintained. The airflow of the unit can be affected if the filters are dirty. This will result in the unit consuming more energy to function. You can clean or replace AC filters once a month to reduce energy consumption by 5% to 15%.

Keep your room well insulated so that no external heat from the windows, doors, curtains or holes can enter your room and reduce the cooling. Other than this, use energy efficient ACs.

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How To Limit Energy Consumption (Refrigerator)

A normal refrigerator consumes 1000 watts per hour. Therefore, choosing an energy efficient refrigerator can help a lot when it comes to saving energy.

Here are some tips:

  • If your refrigerator is making a grunting and loud noise, then make sure to clean the condenser. The sound may be due to dirt and debris accumulated on it. Besides being loud, a dirty condenser can spike electricity bill because the refrigerator needs to consume more energy to function. Make sure to have your condenser serviced and cleaned once a month.
  • Refrigerators are rated on the basis of the amount of energy that they consume. The most energy efficient refrigerators are rated A++ then A+ and so on. If your budget allows, go for the one that has the best rating.
  • Make sure the door of your refrigerator is not left open. This can cause the heat from the room to pass into the refrigerator, reducing the temperature inside.

How To Limit Energy Consumption (Lighting)

Last but not the least, a large amount of energy is consumed by the lights.

  • Install dimmable lights and keep them at the lowest to save energy.
  • Replace fluorescents with LEDs because LEDs help save 80% of the total energy consumed by lighting.


These tips are effective and will surely help you reduce energy consumption at home.

About the Author:  The article is contributed by Aqib, who is passionate about green and clean technologies around the world.




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