Dear Readers, We have started a new Greenworldinvestor Forum for deeper engagement, to answer the specific queries and to start discussions related to the green topics. Thanks a lot for reading our blog and I will be waiting for your increased support and participation on our newly formed forum Looking forward to your engagement and active […]

India formalizes its 100 GW target Till now India’s solar target of 100 GW by 2022, was not officially laid down and was communicated only through the minister’s word of mouth. On June 17th, however the Prime Minister of India formally announced India’s solar target of 100 GW to be achieved by 2022. The total […]

First Solar starts 20 MW solar power plant in Telangana commercially First Solar starts its first Solar project in India. The company started the commercial operation of its 20 MW solar plant in Telangana in India. The company has plans to build up 200 MW of solar portfolio in the growing market of India. This […]

Malaysia and Taiwan to come under the wrath of Europe The Chinese solar manufacturing industry has caused huge pains to the western manufacturers who have been more or less wiped out. Hundreds of European solar manufactures including biggies like Bosch, Siemens have exited the business unable to compete with the Chinese, who have made solar […]

Solar Energy leaves Wind behind The dramatic fall in solar energy costs are taking the wind out of wind energy sales. Solar installation is set to overtake wind energy capacity installations not only in India, but globally as well. We at Greenworldinvestor have pointed out that wind energy capacity growth has saturated with China and […]

Huawei becomes 2nd largest solar inverter supplier Like solar panels, Chinese manufacturers have crashed the pricing of solar inverters too through large increases in capacity and reduction in process and raw material costs. Solar inverter prices decreased by almost 20% in China last year, as fierce competition for market share drove down solar inverter prices. […]